
6. studenog 2015. godine u auli Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je III. Kolokvij
kojeg u okviru HRZZ projekta „Multidisciplinary Research Cluster on Crime in Transition – Trafficking in Human Beings, Corruption and Economic Crime“ organizira Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Katedra za kazneno pravo) u suradnji s Max Planck institutom za strano i međunarodno kazneno pravo iz Freiburga na temu trgovanja ljudima i zaštite žrtava pod nazivom „Refugee Crisis in Europe and Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings.“ Program izlaganja možete pogledati ovdje.

Prof.dr.dr.h.c. Hans-Jörg Albrecht, Director of the Max Planck Institute for
Foreign and International Criminal Law
Title: “Basic Concepts of Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking”

Doc.dr.sc. Frane Staničić, docent na Katedri za upravno pravo
Title: „The Role of the State Administration in Preventing Human Trafficking
and in Helping the Human Trafficking Victims“

Dr. Michael Kilchling, Senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and
International Criminal Law
Title: “Victimological Perspectives of Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking”

Susanne Knickmeier, M.A., Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and
International Criminal Law
Title: “Crime Scene, Mediterranean Sea – Scope, Structures and Political Responses to Human Smuggling into the European Union”

Karlo Ressler, mag.iur, asistent na Projektu „Max Planck partnerska grupa za
Balkan Criminology“
Title: „The Unprecedented Migration Inflow Towards the EU and Human
Trafficking Risks“
